Writers and Family and Turkeys, Oh My!

We went to Newton, Mass. on Friday for a family visit and to attend my former student/now friend’s reading. Both were great fun. We laughed with my 98-and-a-half-year-old mother-in-law, sang Happy 40th Birthday to our nephew, shared sweet, silly moments with him, his parents, his wife and three children, and my stepson, and had a delicious dinner—thank you again, dear Margie—wearing party hats

(From Left to Right: Tina, Amye, Tony, Nadine, Robin)
On Saturday, my friend, Tina Barry, with whom I’m offering a writing workshop in upstate, N.Y. this summer (more in a future blog) read from her new book MALL FLOWER at The Newton Writing and Publishing Center along with three other writers. I read Tina’s entire book of poems and short fiction when she sent it to me last fall, but sitting in the front row, hearing her read her own work touched and tickled me, reconfirming what I saw when she took my class: she’s a super writer.
So are the other three writers: Amye Archer, who read from her memoir, FAT GIRL, SKINNY, Nadine Darling who read from her novel, SHE CAME FROM BEYOND, and Tony Press who read three short stories from his book, CROSSING THE LINES. Robin Stratton, the Newton Writing and Publishing Center Director, created—and will continue to create–a welcoming space for both the writers and audience.
Saturday at 4:00 am. was quite a surprise. A strange noise woke me up. I thought something was dripping somewhere. It got really loud.
“It might be the turkeys,” my husband said.
I looked out the window. On my in-laws’ front lawn and street were 35-50 turkeys. Doing what? I didn’t know.
“They’ve taken up residence,” said the family when we grouped at 8:00 am. “We’ve had them for a while.”
You never know what goes on in anyone else’s house. Or in anyone’s yard or street. I plan to be in Newton again soon. At the Newton Writing and Publishing Center and at my in-laws’ house.
With or without the turkeys.