BOOKS by Nancy Davidoff Kelton
Finding Mr. Rightstein
"In this heartbreaking, hilarious memoir, Nancy Davidoff Kelton takes us from the gray house of her Buffalo childhood with a depressed mother who was in and out of the 'nervous hospital' to the often daunting but never dull world of dating as a divorced mom in Manhattan."
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Writing From Personal Experience
IISBN-13: 978-1582973395
ISBN-10: 1582973393
More than just a "how to" reference, this guide weaves an inspiring, engaging read with invaluable instruction for turning personal experiences into salable prose. It includes nuts-and-bolts writing instruction, creative exercises, information on the hows and whys of keeping a journal, and suggestions on networking, humor, acceptance and rejection.

Dating is About Finding Someone so You Never Have to Date Again
ISBN-10: 0836270266
ISBN-13: 978-0836270266
Author Nancy Davidoff Kelton never expected to resume a life that required so many breath mints. Fortunately, the accumulation of postmarital dates has given her - in addition to chronic nausea - hilarious, piercing insights into men and women and mating and sex. Kelton wraps her biting truths in the humor and irony of her own and her friends' trysting experiences.

Rebel Slave
ISBN-10: 0817204504
ISBN-13: 978-0817204501
A biography of Harriet Tubman whose cruel experiences in the South lead her to seek freedom in the North for herself and others.

Finger Game Miracle
ISBN-10: 0817204520
ISBN-13: 978-0817204525
A biography of Helen Keller who overcame her handicap with the help of teacher Anne Sullivan.
Harry Four Eyes
ISBN-10: 0817204539
ISBN-13: 978-0817204532
Because of his glasses, the young Harry Truman is taunted by his friends who discover that poor vision doesn't hinder Harry's judgment nor his sense of fair play.
The Sled the Brothers Made
ISBN-10: 0817204512
ISBN-13: 978-0817204518
Recalls the experiences of the two young Wright brothers who were introduced to principles of aerodynamics while building a toy sled.