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Black Girl You Are Atlas - Renee Watson's New Book

My 12 days of heaven  began with a 5-day trip to Santa Monica CA to be with my  loving family.  Every moment was special. It was meaningful to us all.

I typically get despondent after family trips, but the day I arrived back in NYC, I got an email from the publisher of my memoir Finding Mr. Rightstein with the loveliest fan letter. I hadn’t gotten fan mail in a while.  I got inspired to begin writing a new essay right away.  Love and work.  Work and love. And gratitude for family.  From family.  And from a fan. 

My other work: I’ve been teaching for 54 years.  Among the greatest joys of teaching is meeting people I’d never meet elsewhere, making connections with them—sometimes very strong ones—seeing their potential-- often early on-- and giving them space, validation, and guidance.  I saw Renee Watson’s talent in her first story in her first sentence 18 years ago.  And told her so.  Immediately. She had—and still has—IT.

Her 7 books, all signed, are on my shelves including her new collection of poetry Black Girl You are Atlas, She read several poems at her book event at Silvana last night. The poems Wowed me. So did her presentation.  When I went to email her this morning to tell her, I already had an email from her thanking me for celebrating with her and for recognizing her potential early on.

I LOVE recognizing talent early on. In addition to IT, Renee is filled with gratitude. 

I am a huge fan of that.


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