Shifting Gears
It’s not that I don’t love NYC and my work, but returning to both was hard after 9 days in CA with my family. My book talk at their library--my daughter sitting among 3 Buffalo friends, Barbara, Charlotte, and Inez, also CA residents--touched me. Inez, my first best friend, and I had a play date one afternoon, giggled like we did at age 6, and sang our “Side by Side” duet with the choreographed routine the way we did at our charity carnival at age 10.
Family moments: taking my daughter to dinner, taking in my grandchildren’s adorableness and changes, hanging out at the playground, in the pool, in their rooms, doing the duet with my grandson, and taking him for a whole-day outing were heaven.
I'm back at work, engaged in new writing projects. My spring classes ended. Many current students renewed their vows with me for fall. Last Saturday, I gave a workshop at the American Society of Journalists and Authors Conference after spending time preparing tip sheets and my talk. And getting nervous. I got un-nervous once I began. It went well. Other talks and panels inspired me.
Last week, the florist emailed my husband several reminders about what he sent his mother last Mother’s Day and if he wished to order the same. It’s his first Mother’s Day without his mother. It’s my 17th without mine. I have been thinking about her, my mother-in-law, who they were, and all they gave me.
Mostly, I’ve been thinking about my daughter and what a wonderful mother she is. My daughter. A mother of 2.
My mother used to say that I used to say, “I can’t believe it.” About Everything. I still can’t. No two days, no two celebrations are the same. The shifts and changes give me pause. Move me. Move me along. It goes so fast.
My father used to say, “Family is everything.”
Yes! Everything!
I imagine his delight playing with his great grandchildren and watching his granddaughter sing and read to them, hugging and loving them with all her heart.
Happy Mother’s Day, Everyone! Happy Family Day.
I still can’t believe it, Mom! I can’t.