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Eve’s Faces, Our Faces, the Contest Winner

On Monday before watching THE THREE FACES OF EVE with Joanne Woodward weaving her magic as Eve White, Eve Black and Jane,* I got an email through the contact section on my website from a pediatrician who registered for my March 10 and March 12 workshops at the New School and the Strand Bookstore, saying she assumed from reading my memoir that she’d feel free writing about the depression in her family and her father’s suicide, subjects she’s wanted to tackle. She asked if the exercises would be different in the two workshops and if I’d address her questions about pursuing her writing afterwards, her plans to write a book, and her fears.

Yes to all.

A major thread of FINDING MR. RIGHTSTEIN is the mental illness in my family. And within each of us. We’re all a little crazy on this bus. No? Wonderful that NBA star, Kevin Love, wrote an essay this week about his panic attack and mental health issues, which was just discussed on THE TODAY SHOW. "Everyone is going through something," Kevin said, hoping he shined a light on the dark places people feel stigmatized to discuss.

I hope my writing helps readers see and understand their loved ones, themselves, and their struggles.

And my’s about guiding students to their truths. They've told me I provide a safe place, inspiring exercises, constructive suggestions for revising and pursuing what is in their hearts. I understand their fears.

A young writer, new in my advanced class, is taking Monday’s Strand workshop. She already had a very poignant essay published she wrote in my class. Despite her initial fears of sharing her work with the older, longtime group members because of how daring, and revealing it is, she wowed them immediately. Wowed me—still wows me--bigtime.

Whatever topics you wish to explore including: romantic misadventures, parenting, illnesses, abuse, addictions, divorce, births and deaths--I’m with you. 150% there.

Would love to work with you and your friends:

And….the winner of the February 11 Valentine contest is Anon. Congratulations, Anon! Congratulations to you all and thank you again for your entries. Anon, please email me your name and email address to ‘Contact’ on my website. I have a present for you.

Here is Anon’s entry: To the one who means most- Your understanding and forgiving is true love. You allow for less than perfection. I know I am in love with you because my reality is finally better than my dreams.


Love ‘N Stuff, Nancy

*Despite Joanne Woodward’s multiple movie disorder, she went home to Paul Newman. Talk about a cure.


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