This Play's My Thing

Dear Friends,
I am looking forward to seeing you November 12 at Spark Theatre Festival for a reading of my play Everyone's a Stranger. Some of you have your tickets. Thank you! The rest of you can buy them
in advance. Here's the link: TICKETS
The director and cast are terrific.
Yes, Virginia, I'm excited, honored, and scared. Your presence means everything.
Love 'n stuff, Nancy
Everyone's a Stranger
Sun Nov 12, 2023 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM EST
28th Street Theatre (TADA), 15 W. 28th Street, 10001
Joanna, an engaging, complex woman of 50, journeys towards self-love and understanding her mother. Mom was in a mental institution, which Joanna called “the nervous hospital” to make her father laugh. Being funny was Joanna’s calling card. That had a price. So did her attachment to Dad. She evolves.
Writer: Nancy Davidoff Kelton
Director, Scott Klavan*/**
* Courtesy of Actors Equity; ** Courtesy of Stage Directors & Choreographers Society Sunday, November 12th @ 7pm Tickets $20 / $25 at the door This performance will include three shows: "Everyone's a Stranger," "In Trouble," and "Unrequited Fruit Bowl." Spark Theatre Festival NYC - Fall 2023 October 30, 2023 - November 19, 2023 All performances at the 28th Street Theater (aka TADA!)
28th Street Theatre (TADA), 15 W. 28th Street, 10001