The Kids Are All Right and What Do You Think About Clive?
Last week was family-rich and full. My husband and I saw all our kids and grandson in new and different ways. He had lunch alone with our son-in-law. I had lunch alone with my stepdaughter when she was in town. Just great! My stepson came for my meatloaf the same night we had a longtime, our-age friend. Their common interest–movies–and similar sense of humor—both yuck it up over EVERYTHING—made it a fun night.
Then there’s our grandson. One day mid-morning when I was in the middle of work, my daughter called to see if I wanted to join them for lunch-hour gymnastics. As a Grandmother-in-Love, I pressed ‘Save,’ turned off my computer, flew to the subway, caught an express, and within 45 minutes was parking his stroller with 40- some other strollers in the gym hallway and then sat on the floor in an enormous circle and sang Itzy BitzyTeeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini with the moms and nannies while 40-some babies—all six months and younger—napped, spit up, stared at us, and stared at the teacher who came around and picked each one up so they’d be flying monkeys. I have 97 photos of Our Flying Monkey doing UP, UP, UP and sucking his thumb. Three days ago, on his 6-month birthday, I watched him in a swimming pool—held by his parents–and then gave him a picture book I wrote, gave him a bath, put him to bed and with his other babysitter—my husband–stared at the 97 photos he took of the water baby.
Lotsa firsts. Lotsa treasured moments with our clan.
The same week, we had a different kind of moment. It’s making me think, not kvell. We saw Clive Davis talk about his new book, The Soundtrack of My Life at the NYU law school. Why? I’ve had a tiny, tiny interest in the music business and in Davis’s career since I interviewed Barry Manilow in the 1970s after Davis found “Mandy” for him. I like listening to people who love their work and rose to the top of their professions. Most of the men in my immediate family, like Davis, are lawyers who do not lawyer. NYU law school is in our ‘hood. I know where the toilet is. The event was free. I love ‘free.’
The interviewer started right in with something I hadn’t known that came out in the book: Davis’s bisexuality. He hammered away questions. Davis—being as political as his book and as the Clintons—was smooth and succinct and careful answering. He’s had two wives, then a fourteen-year relationship with a male doctor—a Jewish doctor, natch—is now in a long one with another man and describes himself as bisexual. My husband and I discussed bisexuality afterwards. I’ve since discussed it with the girls. Are some people bisexual? Or just more sexual? Can a person really be attracted to both? One friend said she thinks women can be bisexual, but men are either straight or gay. I dunno. Is there a simple answer to this one? Any thoughts you wanna share?