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Turn of the Corkscrew

I am rejoicing. The other day, I bought my husband THE EMPEROR OF ALL MALADIES by Siddhartha Mukherjee at Turn of the Corkscrew, a new independent bookstore on Long Island in Rockville Centre. The store, which opened last month, is a dream come true for the owners Carol Hoenig and Peggy Zieran, publishing veterans who met years ago while working at Borders. And for those of us who love books, charming independent stores, and snacks and wine while browsing. There’s the loveliest wine bar in the middle of the store right by—of all places—the kids’ books. We were there early morning so we did not partake, but Carol and Peggy have already hosted many events during Happy Hour.

I know Carol from workshops I did at several Borders both in the suburbs and on 57th Street and Park Avenue when she was the events coordinator there. With my last book, WRITING FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, she had wine and hors d’oeurves at the NYC Borders after my workshop.

We’re discussing my offering writing workshops at Turn of the Corkscrew starting in January, and other events after my memoir is published in the spring including a panel with other memoir writers and another with my students who’ve published books while continuing the writing workshops.

Meantime, I’ll be buying holiday presents and books for myself at Turn of the Corkscrew.

Books and events and wine. Oh my!


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