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The November 9, 2018 issue of THE WEEK had a paragraph on cow cuddling. A human being can have a 60-minute session, starting at $75 with a 1,000-pound cow at Mountain Horse Farm in upstate New York. The cows, sensing “if you are happy, sad, feel lost, anxious, or are excited, respond without judgment, ego, or agenda.” And impart a sense of calm.

With no car or medical insurance for cow cuddling, I turned to:

List making

Learning Glamour Magazine is disappearing—where my lists were published in the 1970s

Babka buying—for my friend who is ill

Hospital visiting

CA visiting

CA treasuring

Plane missing (by minutes, a first)

LAX Airport sitting (for 5 hours)

5 hours of family video and photo viewing

And noodle eating

Red-eye flight taking

Much reading

Home sleeping

Newsletter and email unsubscribing

Gym avoiding

House keys losing

Socks losing

Short-term memory losing

Gym facing

Locker combination forgetting

Too much holiday partying

Holiday party avoiding

Babka, croissant, chocolate chip cookies, and more babka buying-for myself

House keys losing

Eye glasses, an earring, and a glove losing

Short-term and long-term memory losing

Mind losing

Time to cuddle with the cows.


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